I finally feel like I've joined the 21st Century! I'm starting to figure out this blog thing! I hope you enjoy keeping up with our family through this blog. I really enjoy writing and sharing, so I know I will enjoy updating it as well. Just as a quick update on our family status:
Sam is 10 1/2 and is in 5th grade at Mohawk Trails...
It is hard to believe he is on the verge of middle school. Where does the time go? He is so grown up and independent! Tim and I can really count on him for so many things. He is very responsible, helpful and an all-around good kid. He loves Legos, roller coasters, the Wii, Roblox, reading and music. He was thrilled to get my old Ipod Shuffle, and has a fondness for 80s music--yikes! THAT makes me feel old! He is a very good example for Will and Tommy, and he and Will have especially enjoyed bonding lately. That has certainly not always been the case! Sam has not proven to be the "typical" boy, in that he is not into playing sports at all. Coming from a very competitive mother, that is very hard! I try daily to not make Sam (or the other boys) fit into MY mold, but to let them grow to be the boys and men God created them to be. Sam absolutely LOVES our two cats--Oskar and Hoosier; he and Oskar, especially, have a very special relationship. Each morning when Sam is showering for school, Oskar stands patiently at the door waiting for Sam to let him in. Too cute!
Will is 8 and is in 2nd grade at Mohawk Trails...
Will is our little "Drama King". He is very emotional and you always know how he feels--good or bad! He wears his heart on his sleeve, but the great part is that he has such a sweet, sweet heart. He has such a sensitive spirit for such a young age. His specialty is helping kids who may struggle a bit or have special needs. Will himself had a rough start to his life, so he knows what it is to need. A couple of years ago he outgrew an immune deificiency that wreaked havoc on him the first 4 plus years of his life. We praise God that he is now much healthier. He does have some anxiety and social issues as a result of his struggles, but he is improving with the help of great teachers, therapists and other people in our lives! Will's main love right now is Garfield comic books. Go figure! He loves playing Wii and being an active boy outside--Summer or Winter. He's the one this time of year that you can't make come inside, even though he is frozen solid! We are hoping he enjoys his first try at baseball this Spring. Will loves God and learning about Jesus, and he is very anxious to get baptized!!
Tommy is 6 and is in full day/full time kindergarten at Mohawk Trails...
We are so proud of Tommy! He has come so far; most of you know he is on the Autism Spectrum which has, of course, produced some specific challenges in his 6 years of life. We are happy to say that he is in a regular kindergarten class and is doing well! He is definitely fine academically; his struggles consist mainly in the communication and social areas of his life. Tommy's main strength, though, is his unbelievably joyful personality. He is known for his smile, and it continues to shine. He has always been a "bigger" boy. All our boys are tall, but Tommy is off the charts. He is taller than many middle-to upper-elementary aged kids. He has thinned out quite a bit, but we're not sure when he'll stop getting taller! Tommy loves the Wii like his brothers, and loves sharing a room with Will. Because of his issues, it is hard to get Tommy to expand his interests, but we have seen a growing interest in drawing, writing, and reading some books. Tommy is so special, and he knows it! He tells everyone that he is "Mom's Love." Tommy loves his brothers and thrives around them; my continued prayer is that he be able to interact well with peers and develop normal relationships outside the family. Regardless of any struggles, though, Tommy brings joy to this family every day!
Tim continues to work at Eli Lilly, and we are very blessed that he has a job with such a good company. Thankfully, Lilly's cutbacks over the past several years have not affected Tim. We pray that continues to be the case! Tim is a wonderful father and a great example for the boys. Their favorite thing to do together, of course, is wrestle on the family room floor. Sometimes I think the boys give Tim a run for his money!
I continue to be a "stay-at-home" mom who loves her job. I would not trade it for ANYTHING in the world. I keep very busy volunteering at the boys' school, exercising, keeping up with the house, and of course, some socializing! I am blessed. I hope you are all well, and I look forward to sharing more about the Noblitts in the future!